This Podcast seeks to answer one simple question. 

How do you build a business that people feel compelled to talk about?

Carla Johnson - Innovation Architect and Author. 

In this episode of The Remarkable Project Jay speaks with Carla Johnson, one of the world’s leading Innovation Architects, about some of the biggest misconceptions about how successful ideas are born, the building blocks and process for true innovative thinking, and the power of putting observation practices into your daily schedule.


Carla Johnson helps leaders paralyzed by traditional thinking and teams that lack purpose and progress. As the world’s leading Innovation Architect, Carla’s spent 20 years helping leaders shatter limits and discover undiscovered possibilities. Through years of research, she’s developed frameworks and processes that teach people how to consistently produce inspired ideas that lead to uncommon outcomes.

In this episode, we delve into the core themes of Carla's acclaimed book, Re:Think Innovation, where she challenges conventional thinking and invites readers to embrace creativity as a driving force for change. Through real-life examples and thought-provoking exercises, Carla reveals the secrets to fostering a culture of innovation and unlocking hidden opportunities within organizations.

As a trusted advisor to numerous companies across diverse industries, Carla brings a wealth of knowledge and practical wisdom to the table. Her unique blend of strategic thinking, storytelling, and deep understanding of human behaviour allows her to guide organizations towards impactful innovation that drives growth and success.

Remarkable Takeaways:

  • Why the idea that there are people that are naturally better with great ideas is missing an essential part.  
  • How “middle of the night” ideas are born through a very clear process whether you know it or not.  
  • The low resource practices you can put in place today that can create consistently better ideas more often.

Get connected with Carla:

Find her on Linkedin

Learn more about Carla and her book via her website

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